Blue Square Abyss Containment Debris Canister!

What’s up ePoolSupply supporters and fellow blog enthusiasts! I’m back with you all here today to go over an awesome product that was designed to help improve the overall quality of your pool system while helping extend the life of the same saving you time and money. This product is made and distributed right here in our great country of America by our friends over at Blue Square Manufacturing. Blue Square Manufacturing is an innovative pool equipment manufacturer headquartered in Chandler, Arizona. From LED pool & spa lights with patented plug kits to the Eclipse Drain and Q360+ in-floor cleaning system, Blue Square is known for manufacturing the industry’s leading products. In this case or this blog, we will be going over one of their great products specifically known as the Blue Square Abyss Debris Canister (part number 502000).

What is a Debris Container?

Debris canisters were created to improve the filtration of your pool system by being a prefilter that can be plumbed either just before your pool pump or inside the pool deck just after the main drain or skimmer line. Catching all the larger debris before it enters your pool pump or filtration system extends the life of this equipment, saving you time and money for more important things in life as repairs can be quite costly and time-consuming nowadays. These pre-filters are used strictly with inground pools that use an in-floor pool cleaning system (pop-up heads strategically placed throughout the underwater surfaces).

Blue Square Abyss Containment Debris Canister

The Abyss Containment Canister is a high-capacity aboveground debris canister that takes away from the unsightly deck lids. It is conveniently located with the pool equipment for easy access in its maintenance and winterizing. It's the largest debris capacity canister in the pool industry and is made by Blue Square Manufacturing. Its innovative design keeps heavy debris from interfering with the operation of your pool equipment and filtration system while maintaining steady water flow. The canister captures debris and channels it to the bottom of the basket minimizing flow loss for maximum efficiency. This Canister can also be used on its own to enhance any pool and its pool cleaning system. With maximum debris storage capacity for swimming pool and spa debris, Abyss needs less frequent cleaning and maintenance than a typical installation. Abyss also is designed to push the heaviest debris to the bottom, increasing your pool's energy efficiency ultimately keeping more of your money in your own pockets.

Higher Capacity. Less Maintenance

  • By design, the heaviest debris heads straight to the bottom.
  • No interrupted water flow.
  • No interference with your pool equipment.
  • Maximum efficiency at all times.
  • The lid gives you a clear view of what’s inside.
  • The basket easily slides out and keeps debris contained in the process.

Overall, this is a great feature to add to your pool equipment to not only extend its life of it but to extend the time in between basket cleans especially at your pool pump. Another great thing about this product is all the parts individually as well as other variants to these products can all be found here on our website which can be purchased locally or shipped anywhere inside or out of the country. I hope you found the information in the blog to be useful and allows you to make an easy decision when it comes to saving time and money while also extending the life of your equipment. If not, please do not hesitate to reach out to us directly as we are just a click and a phone call away. On behalf of everyone here at ePoolSupply thank you for reading along and Keep on swimming!


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