Who Makes the Best Debris Removal Canister for In-Floor Cleaning Systems?

What’s up ePoolSupply supporters and fellow blog enthusiasts! I’m back with you all here today to go over an awesome product that was designed to help improve the overall quality of your pool system while helping extend the life of the same saving you time and money. This product is made and distributed right here in our great country of America by our beloved friends over at A&A Manufacturing and it goes by the name of the LeafVac Debris Removal Canister. LeafVac is the pool industry’s leading heavy debris removal system so, if you’re looking for a great prefilter system made with strong, quality, and reliable materials then this is the product for you.

What is a Debris Container?

Debris canisters were created to improve the filtration of your pool system by being a prefilter that can be plumbed either just before your pool pump or inside the pool deck just after the main drain or skimmer line. Catching all the larger debris before it enters your pool pump or filtration system extending the lives of this equipment, saving you time and money for more important things in life as repairs can be quite costly and time consuming nowadays. These pre-filters are used strictly with inground pools that use an in-floor pool cleaning system (pop-up heads strategically placed throughout the underwater surfaces).

How Does the LeafVac Stack Up Against the Competition?

When comparing this debris removal canister to others out there on the market the noticeable difference between them is the extra-large canister that offers a significantly larger capacity. This means more time in between cleanings which other canisters simply cannot compete with. This larger capacity as well can provide an unimpeded flow of water, saving your pool pump from becoming damaged. This allows the pump to use less power thus saving you money on your energy bill and saving you the money of a costly pump replacement by extending the pump’s life. The canister also features a large, sturdy plastic basket to easily catch leaves, twigs, and other particles in the swimming pool. Its durable construction and material are built to withstand harsh environments.

LeafVac Operation

  1. Debris travels to the LeafVac after being removed via the Drain or the skimmer.
  2. LeafVac’s extra capacity holds debris until it is cleaned out.
  3. The filter is easily removed, cleared of the collected debris, and slides right back into place.

LeafVac Basket


  • Clear translucent lid allows debris to be seen when full
  • Energy-efficient
  • Easy maintenance, less often
  • Protects your pool’s pump 

LeafVac Lid

Overall, this is a great feature to add to your pool equipment to not only extend the life of it but to extend the time in between basket cleans especially at your pool pump. Another great thing about this product is all the parts like the lid, lid O-ring, silt sock, union set, debris basket as well as other variants to these products can all be found here on our website which can be purchased locally or shipped anywhere inside or out of the country. I hope you found the information in the blog to be useful and allows you to make an easy decision when it comes to saving time and money while also extending the life of your equipment. If not, please do not hesitate to reach out to us directly as we are just a click and a phone call away. On behalf of everyone here at ePoolSupply thank you for reading along and we hope you enjoy the upcoming pool season. Keep on swimming!

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