What's In The Box: Pentair Dorado Suction Cleaner

What's In The Box: Pentair Dorado Suction Cleaner

The Pentair Dorado is an inground suction side cleaner very similar to Pentair’s Great White Suction Side pool cleaner. The Dorado features a forward facing brush ring that wraps the outside of the cleaner in entirety, about fifteen inches in total diameter. The Dorado uses it’s bristle ring paired with intelligent programmed steering to ensure the entire pool is scrubbed clean before having the dirt and debris removed with the cleaners larger than usual vacuum orifice. The cleaner includes twelve hose lengths, the lengths being forty inches each. The hose must be at least 4 ft. longer than the distance from the skimmer or suction line) to the farthest spot in the body of water. The hose connects directly to the Swivel Assembly on the cleaner. The Swivel Assembly allows the cleaner and hose to move freely.

As the water moves through the cleaner, the oscillator will make an audible clicking sound as the cleaner vibrates back and forth brushing against the pool surface and sucking up debris. For the most part this cleaner should have just about any sized pool cleaned in about 6 hours of run or operation time. The Dorado can and will frequently free itself from steps, corners, drains or ladders. With that being said the cleaner does have some randomness to its movement, however the Dorado was designed to hang out in the deeper end of the pool for longer before traveling and cleaning the more shallow areas. The Dorado features an internal lift brush that turns the cleaner and helps its movement. It’s important to make sure that the lift brush is in good condition at all times to ensure the proper function of the cleaner. An included vacuum regulator makes installation easier if the skimmer is all you have to work with. If needed, the Dorado can also install directly into a dedicated suction vacuum port. This cleaner was designed to be plug and play, and at the end of the day shouldn’t take more than minor changes (if any) to get up and running. With that being said, this cleaner works well with vinyl and gunite inground pools. Like all new equipment additions, make sure all baskets are cleaned, all filters backwashed, and the pool water is well balanced. The Dorado was not made to take the place of regular cleaning and maintenance of pool equipment, just the pool. A note of caution, the Dorado cleans so well and is so powerful that it will and does hold onto debris or objects that are much larger than it’s cleaning orifice can support realistically. 

Check out the full breakdown of this cleaner below!



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